What exactly happened in the course of that famous meal? I don’t imagine it happening exactly like we celebrate in this current day in age. Though it’s my favorite holiday of the year sometimes our journey takes a different road and teaches us to celebrate in different ways. This particular year I have become more thankful for my family. Can’t live with them....can’t live without them. Here are a few things I encountered this past holiday break.My five year old cousin said to me when I showed up to my grandma’s house. “ I haven’t seen you in awhile. How old are you now?” So I responded, “how old do you think I am?” He replied, “66!”. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud….it’s only been four weeks since I last saw him.
My nine year old cousin informed me over a riveting card game of War, “I play this game with my friend, Noley. I always let her win because that’s what a gentleman does.” This same cousin also said over lunch one afternoon, “We are all related in Gods eyes, even the Mexicans are related to us.”
The sliding doors at Walmart not only slide open, but can swing open when the weight of a nine year old is pushed into them. Many eyes turn towards your family to see what has happened, but of course I only keep walking and laugh extremely hard.
When the XM radio station needs to be changed it can be done from the comfort of your seat. Just attach several straws together until the buttons can be reached with your new tool. However, don’t raise this new contraction above your head because there is always the possibility of a ceiling fan in use.
Though you can’t pay your
RENT and you’re dying of a disease, you can still have some pretty good dance moves and a few good songs to go along with those moves.
Some relatives (aunts) are always good for a self-esteem boost….though sometimes there’s a bit too much touch and feel going on. In this case, my chest was being rubbed and squeezed and complimented.
It is possible for a child to watch a television screen for most of the day standing only a few inches away….and not have noticeable damage.
Just because you ask a nurse for morphine while she’s treating your grandfather doesn’t mean she’ll share it with you. However, when she accidentally drops it in the trashcan instead of the special needle receptacle you can access it. Next time just bring up Chicago in a conversation and you’ll instantly be on her side.
A cheap pedicure is highly recommended the day after Thanksgiving.
Some relatives don’t understand slang. Don’t bring the conversation up over a free steak. In fact don’t bring things up you have to explain in detail.
When you’re babysitting your cousins and first cousins removed, load them up with candy and don’t make them take a nap. When you hand them back over you’ll never be asked to baby-sit again.
Lastly, no matter how much is going on in your life, or how hard things seem….there is ALWAYS time for fun with your cousins, especially doing each thing listed above.