Thursday, December 01, 2005

Place in this world...

This week I’ve been pondering the road and various paths I have taken to get here. I can’t quite detail what “here” means exactly but it’s what surrounds me everyday spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and physically.
It was late winter my senior year of high school that I changed my mind and decided to attend
OC for college. I have always dreamed of being a residential architect. I remember sitting in a church pew or sitting at home drawing houses as a little child. It’s something that stuck with me all the way thru my senior year of high school. While I can’t pinpoint what it was, somehow I decided to forgo my life-long dreams and major in business…until I took an accounting class. I eventually changed my major freshmen year of college to interior design, only to deal with a fire ruining our department and puting an immeasurable amount of stress on us. Interior design was the closest I could get to have my foot and life in the world of design. Ideally I planned to graduate in a decent amount of time (four years), but this fire proved to not permit that. So I moved on. I felt emptiness in me, but continued to attend school not knowing what I wanted to major in.
I was blessed to study abroad one semester and start new friendships that opened my eyes to a world of new things. I eventually changed my major to public relations in advertising and graduated with….grades (what? You thought I was going to say honors?) I’ve never regretted not pursuing a degree in architecture only because I don’t have the smarts to complete such a program; however I still crave for my hands to work in the world of design.
These past few months I have put that dream in the back of my mind and thought more about the careers in the health field. It could be the television shows I watch that center around this particular environment, but this past week I spent an incredible amount of time in some hospitals. I was enjoying it. I observed many nurses, doctors, and those university students who were examining my grandpa. I stared far too long and took too many mental notes enjoying the environment that was surrounding me as I sat there in support of a family member. It's the gift these doctors and nurses have to help someone choose life over death. To help them make a change in their life and continue on with their dreams and goals that attracts me.
Though the last thing I want to do is start school over again…and have to pay for it…It's odd to think that we’re never where we expect to be, yet its okay. I'm ready for a change in my life and lately a few doors have opened, however I'm scared to take that next I currently stay "here" and will continue to live on.


Blogger Kira said...

Wow, such insight into your personal thoughts on such a public forum! I'm proud of you. Take the step, make a change. You are young & single now is the time & change is good.

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Kira. You are in the perfect position to change whatever you want.

p.s. I love your blog. It's like I get to "talk" to you everyday!

8:00 AM  
Blogger The fashion concience you should be listening to said...

I came to your blog thinking you may have some expose on last nights The O.C. and instead I get this insight into your soul. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just a little heavy for my Friday afternoon.
Just kidding. I think all your problems could be solved if you moved back to Portland. Mt. Hood has got a great nursing program.
But definately take the "next" step or move to Chicago w/ me!

1:46 PM  
Blogger Mr. T said...

I will talk about the OC in my next post. Secondly, I hear that if you're moving to Chicago with Matt and I following you...then you'll be our maid. I hope you can scrub floors really well.

1:59 PM  

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